Microsoft says that SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) “is a platform for building high performance data integration solutions, including extraction, transformation, and load (ETL) packages for data warehousing.” A simpler way to think of SSIS is that it’s the solution for automating SQL Server. SSISprovides a way to build packages made up of tasks that can move data around from place to place and alter it on the way. There are visual designers (hosted within Business Intelligence Development Studio) to help you build these packages as well as an API for programming SSIS objects from other applications.
as an API for programming SSIS objects from other applications.
Though SSIS is almost infinitely customizable, Microsoft has produced a simple wizard to handle some of the most common ETL tasks: importing data to or exporting data from a SQL Server database. The Import and Export Wizard protects you from the complexity of SSIS while allowing you to move data between any of these data sources:
- SQL Server databases
- Flat files
- Microsoft Access databases
- Microsoft Excel worksheets
- Other OLE DB providers
SQL Server 2005 redesigned the way you design data transformation packages. It now includes much more capabilities, and because of that, it features a new tool. It separates the control of the package from the data transformation portion, so you can do much more. For instance, you have the ability to read information from WMIor a web service. There is also the ability to iterate through a loop of data stored in a variable, or from a result set.
Creating a Package
The Import and Export Wizard is easy to use, but it only taps a small part of the functionality of SSIS. To really appreciate the full power of SSIS, you’ll need to use BIDS to build an SSIS package. A package is a collection of SSIS objects including:
- Connections to data sources.
- Data flows, which include the sources and destinations that extract and load data, the transformations that modify and extend data, and the paths that link sources, transformations, and destinations.
- Control flows, which include tasks and containers that execute when the packageruns. You can organize tasks in sequences and in loops.
- Event handlers, which are workflows that runs in response to the events raised by a package, task, or container.
Step 1: Open SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio.
Step 2: Create a New Project
Step 3: Select Integration Services Project under Business Intelligence Projects and provide a name for the project.
Step 4: Add a new Data Source. Right Click on Data Sources and select New Data Source.
Step 5: Use the Data Source Wizard to add a new data source. Select ‘Create a data source based on an existing or new connection’ and click on ‘New’.
Step 6: Add the Server and Authentication information and click on Test Connection to test the connection. Then click OK.
Step 7: A default SSIS package is created under the solution called Package.dtsx. Rename this package with a meaningful name.
Step 8: Drag and drop Control Flow Items from the Toolbox on the left to the Control Flow diagram and create the package.
Step 9: Double Click on the Data Flow Task to edit each Data Flow and add data transformations.
Step 10: Save and Build the package.
Step 11: Run the package. On successful completion, the tasks will turn green.
Deploying a Package
Step 1: Save a copy of the package on any server.
Note: If the package is to be deployed on a different server, ensure that the Protection Level is selected as EncryptSensitiveWithPassword
Provide a Password for the package by clicking on the PackagePassword Item and enter the password.
Step 2: Select Package location as SQL Server, Server Name as destination server and Authentication Type as Windows Authentication. Click on Package Path to browse and save the package.
Step 3: Save the package under SSIS Packages.
Step 4: Open SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the Database Engine on the server where you have saved the Package.
Step 5: Go to SQL Server Agent -> Job. Right-click and select New Job.
Step 6: Provide a name for the Job.
Step 7: Go to Steps and click ‘New’.
Step 8: Provide a name for the Step and select the Type as SQL Server Integration Services Package.
Step 9: Select Package Source as SQL Server, Server as the destination server and click on Package to browse and select the package.
Step 10: Click on data Source tab. Provide a password when prompted (if saved with a password).
Step 11: Edit the Connection String to add password for OLE DB connections, or change location of Input/Output files if required. Click Ok to save the changes.
Step 12: Go to Schedules and click New to add a new schedule.
Step 13: Click Ok on the Job Schedule Properties window to save the schedule.
Step 14: Click Ok on the Job properties window to save the job.
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